Ai Weiwei during documenta 12 (2007)

Image via Wikipedia

I do not understand how the architect that built the famous olympic stadium in Beijing can be arrested by the Chinese government. How can the mediocre Chinese government go against the Chinese genius? The dictatorships are made of mediocrity and stupidity. I just hope one day the Chinese government goes to prison forever. They are just fools.

2 responses

  1. L.B. Jeffries

    Yes, hopefully thanks to people such as Weiwei that the Chinese people will take the power into their own hands. Thanks for the post!

    April 6, 2011 at 2:02 pm

  2. Hi there! Thank you for that post. Brilliant just brilliant.

    I am actually curating a project in London for Ai Weiwei’s capture-awareness and release. It is called The Chinese Art Project, http://wp.me/p1yUbw-15, and I am looking to do an exhibition using art as a symbol of unique interpretation and freedom of expression. Hopefully I’ll have 25 peices of art to exhibit from 5 unique artists. You’d be so welcome to come! I guess it’s about pulling together and standing for our rights. Especially in an age of social media power. I’ve put a project video plan up here http://www.youtube.com/ChineseWhisperProj it would be great if you could find an outlet to let readers know.

    Many thanks! Keep up the good work.
    Mr Taurus.

    p.s. i’m on twitter: ChineseTwhisper
    p.p.s. I’ve added your blog to my links on the site

    June 2, 2011 at 8:48 am

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